Deep Dive Strategy Day

Sometimes we need to step away and look at the bigger picture…

The Deep Dive Strategy Day is exactly as it sounds – a deep dive into your business, to untangle your thoughts, explore different angles and create clarity, direction, and an action plan to move forward.

Imagine a day solely focused on your business…

You know your business inside out, and you have big goals and ambitions.  I’ll be there to guide you through the hidden challenges and unlock the potential in your blind spots by asking the right questions, identifying gaps and bottlenecks, and holding space for you to get clarity on where you want to be.  We’ll translate your thoughts into actionable steps, making the complex clear and doable. Together, we’ll create a bespoke plan that’s not just about dreaming big – but doing big!

Expect to end the day not just inspired, but with a clear, actionable strategy that’s ready to roll out the moment you step back into your business.

Who Is This For?

Designed for the ambitious, the dreamers, the action-takers ready to break free from the chaos of everyday business hustle.  It’s perfect for you, if:

It’s not easy running a business alone.  It can feel messy, chaotic and overwhelming.  And there comes a point where you need to get out of your own way and focus on the right things.

Trust me, I get it.  I’ve been right where you are, navigating the wild world of growing a business.  Those sleepless nights, the constant hustle, it can feel so overwhelming.  We’re so immersed ‘in’ our business that we often lack the insight and structure to work ‘on’ our growth.But what if I told you it doesn’t have to be this way?  Sometimes we need to step away and look at the bigger picture…Let’s turn your business dreams into a reality filled with laughter, learning, and lots of success!



What’s Included?

The Deep Dive Strategy Day comes packed with…

  • Pre-Strategy Call Day

    Kick-start your transformation with a pre-strategy day call. By completing a questionnaire and engaging in a 30-minute Zoom conversation, we ensure a personalised and focused agenda that’s directly aligned with your goals. This preparation guarantees we hit the ground running, ready to dive deep from the moment we start.

  • On The Day

    Immerse yourself in a full day (10am-4pm) solely focused on your business. We’ll dive deep, explore your aspirations, work through your challenges, and map out a detailed action plan. By the end of the day, you’ll feel invigorated, determined, and motivated, armed with a step-by-step action plan and the confidence to implement solutions with impactful results.Imagine setting aside the daily buzz to focus laser-sharp attention on what matters most - your business growth and potential. I will guide you through the hidden challenges and unlock the potential in your blind spots and you will leave with a clear plan, full of confidence and excitement about what’s next as you implement the changes.

But wait, there’s more! The package also includes:

  • 30 Days Continuous Support

    After your Strategy Day, stay connected and supported with 30 days of unlimited access to me via WhatsApp, Monday through Thursday. Whether you need guidance, want to bounce ideas, or require accountability, I’m here to help. Let’s make the most of this time to keep your energy high and your goals in sight as you progress towards success.

  • Post-Strategy Day Call

    Sustain your momentum with a 1-hour follow-up call (within 30 days). This session allows us to assess progress, tackle any emerging challenges, and fine-tune your action plan as needed. It’s an opportunity to ensure you’re on track to achieving your goals.

Say goodbye to procrastination and overwhelm and hello to growth and new opportunities.



A Deep Dive into Your Business Future…

Picture this: you get a whole day away from your desk, in a gorgeous location, solely focused on your business.  We’ll dive deep, work through your challenges, map out your vision and goals and create a solid plan to make them happen.

Whether you’re looking to refine your business model, boost your marketing strategy or streamline operations, the day is yours and will be tailored to exactly what you need.  Here are sparks of inspiration, where my expertise shines and can elevate your business to the next level…

Refining your business foundations - your purpose, mission, values and vision

Clarifying your dream client and messaging that speaks directly to them

Developing and implementing your marketing strategy

Refining your product suite and offers

Streamlining your business processes

Developing and implementing your 360 business strategy

Bouncing ideas to solve a problem that's keeping you awake at night

Auditing your business to identify gaps and bottlenecks

Setting intentions and goals for 30/60/90 days (and beyond)

Identifying your risks and implementing a mitigation plan

Auditing and developing your social media strategy

Understanding the customer journey to enhance customer experience

Developing and implementing your recruitment strategy

Supporting you with concept to starting your business

Providing a Done For You Service

Developing and implementing your exit strategy

Risk Management

By the end of the day, you’ll leave with a clear plan, full of confidence and excitement about what’s next.



Where Will We Meet?

Join me in a stunning, private garden pod, with spectacular lake views in Staffordshire, ST13.  A space where creativity meets clarity, away from daily distractions.  The pod is perfect for delving deep into the heart of your business.

The day will run from 10am until 4pm and you’ll get refreshments and a delicious lunch to keep you energised.

Alternative locations can be arranged, although additional costs may apply.  It’s your day and it’s important to me that it works for you, so if any of the above doesn’t quite suit your preferences, let’s discuss alternatives.

Alternatively, virtual meetings via Zoom are available, with the day split into four sessions over two days.

DEEP DIVE DAY 10am - 4pm

Your Investment

Imagine the remarkable transformation your business can undergo by consistently showing up with boundless energy and focus over the next few months.  It’s so exciting to think of all the extraordinary possibilities that lie ahead.

The price is £799 and you can pay in one payment or two instalments (but must be paid in full before the Pre-Strategy Day call).  If you want to pay in two instalments please email [email protected].

Next Steps…

When you sign up for the Deep Dive Strategy Day, here’s what you can expect:


Ready to leap forward?  Book your Deep Dive Strategy Day online.  Choose a date that suits you for our pre-strategy day Zoom call.


Fill out the questionnaire to help us maximise our time together and hit the ground running.


A 30-minute call on Zoom helps us get to know each other and align on your objectives, setting the stage for a productive strategy session.


We will spend a focused 6-hour session together.  You will get the support and insight you need to think big, set exciting goals and create an action plan.  At the end of the day, you’ll leave ignited with a fresh determination and clarity of a step-by-step action plan.


You will have access to my WhatsApp for 30 days and a 1-hour follow up Zoom call to ensure you remain focused and accountable to your action plan (no snoozing on my watch…!).



Hello, I’m Leanne and I’m so happy you found me!

I’m a Certified Business Strategist, and I’m passionate about helping ambitious people like you, build and grow a business that you love, on your terms.  I’ve been exactly where you are, so I know building a business can feel overwhelming, exhausting and messy.

I have a knack for asking the right questions, identifying gaps and uncovering bottlenecks, whilst holding space for you to gain clarity on where you want to be.  Specialising in optimising the customer journey, streamlining processes, recruitment and marketing, I’m here to help set you up for success.

Now, here’s the fun part – I’m not your typical strategist.  Nope, I like to shake things up a bit, keeping it simple, fun and remarkably effective.  With over three decades of global corporate experience under my belt, I’ve confidently honed my skills in strategic planning and execution.  Oh, and did I mention I’m also certified in social media management, an accredited lean practitioner, and a qualified project manager?

I know success starts with a solid plan, and I’m here to help you create one that’s tailor-made for your unique goals. Whether you’re feeling overwhelmed, stuck in chaos, or drowning in procrastination, I’ve got your back. Let’s tackle those obstacles head-on and drive your business forward.

Leanne x

Ps. You can read more about me here.


“Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have twenty-four-hour days.”

Zig Ziglar